Tutoriales, ejercicios y recursos
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
The structure of the scientific article
- Practice identifying the language of each section of the IMRaD structure
- “The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper” A very complete guide!
- This article includes a table on “Common mistakes seen in manuscripts submitted to this journal” – try to avoid them!
- This overview of the structure of the scientific paper includes expressions you can use in your introduction, as well as an example of an effective conclusion. Check it out!
- “11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously”
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
Video created by Steve Kirk
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
- How to write the results section of a research paper
- Scientific papers: Writing the results section
- Organizing academic research papers: The results
- Methods for presenting data
- How to write an APA results section
- How to clearly articulate results
- Importance of the results section
- How to separate the results and the discussion section
Video created by Smitesh Bakrania
Figures & Tables
- Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About Making Tables and Figures
- More things you need to know about Tables and Figures
- Figures and Tables: a comprehensive overview
- Springer: Figures and Tables
- Guidelines to prepare your Figures and Tables
- “Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures”
- What to do and what not to do when preparing excellent figures and tables
- Writing captions/titles for figures and tables
Video created by Jia Hwei Ng for PulishedMD channel
Video created by Alana Rister for Science Grad School Coach channel
Video created by Prof. Dr. Christian Decker
The structure of paragraphs
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
Passive and active voice in research papers
- Active vs. Passive voice in Research Writing
- American Journal Experts: Active vs. Passive
- University of Toronto: active vs. passive voice in the sciences
- When to use the Passive voice
- Practice this list of exercises, from identifying active and passive voice to word order in the passive voice. Can you complete them all?
- Passive sentences can become top-heavy and difficult to read
- Find out how to avoid this problem:
Video created by Academic English UK, https://www.academic-englishuk.com/
Video created by ...
Coherence and cohesion
- Coherence and Cohesion: an Introduction
- 5 techniques to achieve coherence and cohesion
- To make sure your paragraphs are relevant to your objective, make a reverse outline
- Master these cohesive devices tasks!
- A complete list of linking (or transition) words
- And another
- And yet another! (with exercises)
- Practice the various ways of creating cohesion and coherence
Video created by ...
- Tips to summarize a research article: where to look for relevant information
- How to summarize a research article in 5 steps
- How to summarize a research article, including editing tips
- A more detailed description of how to summarize a text
- A good example
- Try out your summarizing and paraphrasing skills
- Test your knowledge with this quiz!
- And with this one, too!
Video created by St. Catherine University Library
Video created by ...
When to cite
- What is plagiarism?
- Overviews of when to cite sources
- From quotations, to footnotes, to bibliography: an overview of citing
- To cite or not to cite? That is the question
- When not to cite
- Check out this video about what constitutes “common knowledge”
- Using direct quotations with different style guides
- Block vs. direct quotations
- Finally, don’t forget to check what each style guide has to say about this
- Avoiding plagiarism
Video created by ...
The publication process
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
How to select a journal for publication
- Know your audience! How to select a journal for publication
- A video with a senior researcher’s recommendations
- Choosing a journal: databases
- 5 questions to ask yourself when selecting a journal
- You may prefer to choose a journal in a language other than English: “The Dangers of English as Lingua Franca of Journals”
- Online tools:
Video created by the professional proofreading and editing service Wordvice, https://wordvice.com
The cover letter for submission
Video created by Ahmad Haidar
Video created by PhD Comics
What is open access?
- Open access explained by John Bond
- Wiley: Open access options for your article
- Libraries and universities in Europe are staging a stand-off against Elsevier. Find out why here and here
- The fallacy of open access
- Should you publish in an Open Access journal?
Video created by John Bond
Sitios de consulta
- A guide to writing persuasive essays
- Essay writing tips for international students
- “The Essay Structure” by the Harvard Writing Center (US)
- How to write an essay at university (UK)
- Detailed blog by a Cambridge alumni about how to write undergraduate essays (lots of great tips!)
- Cómo redactor un ensayo académico (WikiHow)
Los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en estos videos y recursos son los de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan la posición oficial de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México